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Programs / Projects


To create a safe environment for physically and mentally impaired persons to improve their self-worth, personal development and belonging.


  • Creating a safe space for 20 physically and mentally impaired persons in the Wellington-area where they are accepted and feel safe to develop healthy relationships with God, peers and other adults.
  • Mentoring 20 members in biblical values to build their character.
  • Three weekly creativity sessions where 20 members can enjoy themselves and develop their own creative skills in order to reach their full potential and social skills.
  • Supporting 20 parents in their challenge to care for their disabled children by connecting them with other organisations in the Wellington/Paarl area every three months.


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    Program needs: Paper, stationary, khokis, glue gun, wood and wood equipment, wool and knitting needles, material.

    Arts and crafts: Playdough materials( Flour, cream of tartar and salt), craft paint, stickers, brushes and sponges. Recycled materials.