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Programs / Projects

ECD early childhood development

To build a foundation for school readiness in 5-6 year old children.


  • To educate 40 5-6 year old children in an approved NCF ECD Amazing Brainz programme (Grade RR) over a 1-year period within the Wellington-area focusing on 5 developmental areas.
  • To assist 40 parents in enrolling their children into the schooling system.
  • To safeguard and promote the overall wellbeing of 40 5-6-year-old children by doing home visits, providing basic first aid and by reporting abuse and neglect
  • To reduce malnourishment and neglect by providing healthy meals and physical need support for 40 5-6 year old children.


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    Program needs: Indoor and out door toys. Colouring books, reading books, puzzles, crayons, glue small A 5 books and flipfiles.

    Child spesific needs: Preloved shoes and clothes for boys and girls ages 3-4. New underwear and socks, birthday gifts.

    Arts and crafts: Playdough materials( Flour, cream of tartar and salt), craft paint, stickers, brushes and sponges. Recycled materials.