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From a place of thankfulness

Put your glasses on and see….  There is one thing we all have in common: we all want to be happy!  And as I recently referred to again, the biggest key to happiness is GRATEFULNESS!
Gratitude opens our eyes and forces us to see the world through different glasses.  It helps you see what you already have received and how much you already have to be thankful for.  Gratitude brings HOPE, and hope brings JOY
Our crazed and busy lifestyle forces us to run, just to stay ahead. It prevents us from stopping for a moment to say thank you.
A grateful heart opens our eyes to truly be able to see!  In and around Wellington I see God’s wonderful gift all around us every day:

The mountains that embraces us,
Friends and strangers greeting us back with a smile on the streets and in the shops,
Happy and fortunate kids that are privileged to be able to grow up in the countryside,
The freedom to talk about God’s goodness and grace around a “braai” fire,
friends that care,
rain that brings new life, and
people with open hearts who are always willing to help where help is needed.
Psalm 8:3 says that when we praise the Lord, even our enemies have nothing to say.  There is tremendous power in gratitude! Praise the Lord for His goodness. It will open your eyes and give you a life where you can see hope and prosperity. 

Sit jou bril op en sien….  Daar is een ding wat alle mense in gemeen het: Almal wil gelukkig wees! Die grootste sleutel op pad na geluk, waarna ek onlangs weer verwys het, is DANKBAARHEID!

Dankbaarheid sluit ons oë oop, laat ons deur ‘n ander bril kyk. Dit laat jou sien wat jy reeds ontvang het en hoeveel ek reeds het om voor dankbaar te wees.  Dankbaarheid bring HOOP… en hoop bring VREUGDE!

In ons besige wêreld hardloop ons soms net om voor te bly; ons laat na om te stop en dankie te sê. ‘n Dankbare hart laat jou kyk met oë wat werklik SIEN.  In Wellington SIEN ek elke dag die Here se geskenke oral om ons gesaai:

die berge wat ons omhels,
die mense wat maklik terug groet op straat of in die winkel, vriende en vreemdelinge,
gelukkig kinders wat op die platteland kan groot word,
ons wat nog rondom ‘n braaivleis vuur kan gesels oor God se goedheid,
vriende in my lewe wat omgee,
die reën wat weer nuwe lewe bring,
mense met oop harte om te help waar dit nodig is.

Psalm 8:3 sê vir ons wanneer ons die Here loof, dan word selfs die vyand stil gemaak!
Daar is geweldige krag in dankbaar wees! Loof die Here vir Sy goedheid, dit sluit jou oë oop en gee jou ‘n lewe waar jy hoop en voorspoed raaksien.

Stephanie Henderson
Stigter & CEO