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Worship is our Weapon

We thank You Lord for Your love, provision and protection and ask that you give us hearts that worship You in everything we do, plan and encounter. Worship is our weapon and can be used to completely shut out the enemy. There is no room for negativity or evil to reside when praise is the only thing on our lips. When we praise God, consider it a step of faith, we thank God for who He is, what He has done and what He will do. What a gift it must be to Him when we choose to praise Him, despite what our season of life currently looks like. No matter what, we must choose to raise a hallelujah to the Lord at all times and we will soon notice that praising will turn our focus away from ourselves and our problems and onto Him.

Stephanie Henderson
Founder & CEO

Ons dank U Here vir U liefdevolle voorsiening en beskerming.  Ek vra dat U vir ons harte sal gee wat sal kies om U te aanbid in alles wat ons doen, beplan en teëkom.  Lofprysing is ons wapen en ons kan dit teen die vyand se planne gebruik. Wanneer U lof op ons lippe is, is daar geen ruimte vir negatiwiteit of vir die bose se planne nie.
Wanneer ons God prys, doen ons dit in ‘n stap van geloof.  Ons dank die Here vir wie Hy is, wat Hy gedoen het en wat Hy nog gaan doen. Wat ‘n geskenk moet dit aan Hom wees wanneer ons kies om Hom te prys, ten spyte van hoe ons lewensseisoen tans lyk. Ons moet kies om te alle tye en in alle omstandighede die Here te prys.  Deur ons fokus en lofprysing op Hom te draai,neem ons fokus weg van onsself en ons probleme.

Stephanie Henderson
Stigter & CEO