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An angel amongst us

His name is Michael. He is a handsome little boy, well dressed with impeccable manners. Michael attracts my attention because he never participates in any of our activities. When I arrive at school early in the morning, he is usually already seated and waiting for the day to start. While all the other children are laughing and playing on the jungle gym, he just sits there waiting. When we direct our songs to God, dancing, jumping and clapping our hands, Michael just sits. That marked the start of my one-sided relationship with Michael.

I often seek him out amongst the children and blow a kiss at him. I hug him countless times with his arms limp at his sides. I compliment him when he creates something special with the building blocks, but it seems as if he just doesn’t hear me.

Then, one day we go about our business of learning about God. We sing and dance. We read and eat delicious food. When the children go home, I wait at the small gate for my one final superstar kiss goodbye. All the children are standing in front of me and we share hugs, kisses and laughs. The group in front of me grows smaller and finally, Michael is standing in front of me. He has his little hand in front of his mouth, ready to give me a superstar kiss.

God Almighty! That is all that I could say. God’s goodness knows no limits. It was the best superstar kiss ever! I grabbed Michael’s little body and hugged him so hard that I worried about squashing him. I’ve made a difference in Michael’s life. To top it all, God used Michael to make a difference in my life. A lesson of love, which never grows tired. Love that doesn’t know prejudice. Unconditional love. The love that Jesus has for me!