God’s plans are greater.
“God has been good to me! I’ve seen His love and He has been gracious to me. There were times where I didn’t know what to do or where to go and He reminded me that He is who He say He is, and that He will never leave me nor forsake me. His grace carried me”.
I used to work at Romans Pizza and Tanya, a teacher at Ma’s vir Wellington, told me they need a volunteer. She asked me to leave my paying job and come to volunteer at MVW. She knew I loved children, and how unhappy I was at my current job. I did complete my matric year it’s just that I didn’t pass matric, I remember thinking I have no hope for the future, all my friends passed, and I didn’t. I decided to quit my job and go to Ma’s vir Wellington.
I am grateful for God leading me here to Ma’s vir Wellington. I got the opportunity to further my education, going to Boland College to study Level 4 Early Childhood Development. Through meeting people at MVW and Mosaic Community Development centre I had the opportunity to go to Germany, have a permanent job, and support my family.
Yhoo I don’t even know where to start but what I can say is: God has been good to me! I’ve seen His love and He has been gracious to me. There were times where I didn’t know what to do or where to go and He reminded me that He is who He say He is, and that He will never leave me nor forsake me. He’s grace carried me.
In 2022 all “my” plans fell apart, I was heartbroken and just depressed. I was just hard on myself saying: “I’m not good enough”.
2023 I came back to my senses and just realized that God humbled me. I also thought maybe again God had a greater plan with my life. He opened doors to go further my studies, to do team buildings with children! My loneliness gap has been filled; I can find joy in every little thing I do.
Exodus 22:22 is a testimony of my life! God heard my cry and answered me, He wiped my tears.