A soft touch
As I look back on the year that has passed, I feel a deep sense of gratitude for the people I have worked with in my role as a social worker at Ma's for Wellington. It's incredible to relive these memories, and words seem insufficient to describe their true magnitude. The experiences I've had have made me aware of how God's providence impacts our lives in the most meaningful ways. At Ma's for Wellington, I realize that it is not about us but about the people who need help. I see people who are desperate, hungry, and in urgent need—not just physically but also spiritually and emotionally.
Celebrating Cergeo’s Journey: From Our Children’s Ministry to Boland Athletics and Beyond!
Cergeo joined our Children's Ministry as a bright-eyed boy at the age of three and remained with us until he was six. Through this program, a strong foundation was established in his life, fostering his development and setting him on a path of success.
Finding purpose as Volunteer…
John found a new sense of purpose as the driver of our bus for disabled members and by volunteering with our Avodah Ministry. At the age of 75, the Lord created a space for him where he could continue to serve, offer love to our members, assist with activities, and have meaningful conversations with our members.
God’s plans are greater.
"God has been good to me! I've seen His love and He has been gracious to me. There were times where I didn't know what to do or where to go and He reminded me that He is who He say He is, and that He will never leave me nor forsake me. His grace carried me".
Changed through consistent love and attention.
Our vision is to create an atmosphere of love. After receiving loads of encouragement, love and acceptance during his first year with us, this boy walked into my Grade RR class with much more confidence.
A story of a small woman with Great strength.
Life has left deep scars on her little face and sometimes the tears flow, but through it all she constantly testifies to God's goodness and continues to serve.
Hope for the Future
I'm also proud of myself…I don't have a mom whom I can ask to help me, but I've been raising my little baby alone for over five years, without a father, without any help from family. But I now have the biggest family in Ma’s vir Wellington ever. It gives me the greatest hope and encouragement every time they acknowledge me and show love to me when I get here. I will testify over and over about how good God is.
A change of heart
The time I have been with the MVW family I have come to learn and experience many things. I had a change of heart and have a greater appreciation for the smaller things in life. I have come to learn that it is better to give than to receive; to listen more, talk less and to give more of yourself.
Walk with wounded Children.
Through Ma’s vir Wellington I had the opportunity to learn to look deeper at children, look at them not just as a child who is naughty or difficult, but as a child who needs our help.
In this group, she can talk to all her friends and have meaningful conversations with the volunteers and personnel. She loves to do all the different activities and crafts with her friends sitting next to her. These activities stimulate her physical and mental health. It is also important for her to share and enjoy similar interests as to her own.
Thabisa reaching out to NorSA
The Thabisa group serves women from broken and abused relationships with God's Word and help them see how much love Jesus had for women, to restore love for themselves and others.
Children’s Ministry Ascension Day
The Bible tells us in Matthew 7:24-27 that a house with a strong foundation will stay strong during a storm.
Winter Project Donations
The winter is on its way! Together with the cold weather, which means warm food and hot fireplaces for some, means great challenges for the most of the small children in our community. As part of our annual projects we are again proud to partner with our community to bring HOPE back to our toddlers by clothing them with brand new warm socks and a tracksuit. This is only one of the ways we lift our parents’ hands and support them to care for their children. We rather support the children
The Community and Paarl Post stand together
Paarl Post's employees visited our children’s ministry in Blignaut street, New Rest. It was an amazing fun morning where the employees had time to spend loving and playing games with the toddlers. They spoiled the children with new toys for the Klein Juweetjie play group. This donation was made possible thanks to the annual donations from the public to the Paarl Post-Christmas FUND. Paarl Post het besoek afgelê by ons kinderbediening in Blignautstraat, New Rest. Dit was ‘n tyd vir lekker speel, inkleur en sommer net tyd met ons kinders spandeer. Hulle
Expanding our Team
We are truly blessed to know that the Lord send us His warrior daughter to assist us bringing new change to carry His heart further in our ministry. In her experience she has learned that healthy boundaries and functional structures nurture a healthy working environment. Every person needs to be accurately positioned, taking into account their own strengths and skills, to grow. Salomé is a woman, like any other, who would like to see that all children, mothers and woman of all ages become the individuals that God has intended for them
Programs set apart for 2019
The Children’s Ministry started out to be our main focus. From there The Preschool grade-RR classes developed. The Klein Juweeltjies, as they are known, now boasts with a brand new Amazing Brainz curriculum, full class attendance and a total of 40 registered children.Thabisa is our ministry for mothers currently in abused relationships. They are uplifted, loved and shown the right path through a process of prayer, Bible reading and accountability.The Ministry for the mentally disabled adults, Avodah, grew to a total of 10 people and 7 volunteers and attend their
Worship is our Weapon
We thank You Lord for Your love, provision and protection and ask that you give us hearts that worship You in everything we do, plan and encounter.
Jer 29:11
Mag ons nooit te besig word om die boodskappe te mis wat ons Vader op ons pad sit om ons te help, bemoedig, te wys watter paaie om te stap
Follow the sequence of photographs to see what our children's ministry looks like on Thuesday mornings. Volg die reeks foto's hieronder: Ons is elke dag van die week besig met verskillende programme, hier is n voorbeeld van 'n tipiese Dinsdagoggend by die kinderbediening in Blignautstraat [ngg src="galleries" ids="18" display="basic_thumbnail"]
Ladies Groups Sessions
Broken people break others. You can only give what you have. The potential in every human being, will be stolen if he does not receive love. Don't despair! Annalena Theron and Margaux Gaigher do special sessions with our lady groups to strengthen their courage. God uses his children as a channel through which His love is spread in a broken world. If we share God's love, we create a safe environment where it is possible to learn and so we discover God’s given potential in everyone. Then broken people are
Paarl Post
Paarl Post has visited our children’s ministry in Blignautstraat, New Rest. They spoiled the children with new toys and snacks. Importantly they gave their time to the children - playing, drawing and colouring. This donation by Paarl Post was made possible thanks to the annual donations from the public to the PAARL POST-CHRISMAS FUND. Paarl Post het vandeesweek besoek afgelê by ons kinderbediening in Blignautstraat, New Rest. Hulle het die kinders groot bederf met nuwe speelgoed asook lekker eet en drink goedjies. Nie net dit nie, maar hulle het hul tyd saam
Armoured against the world
Ephesians 6:10-20 teaches us about the armour that God provides for His children. The Avodah group for intellectually impaired people has made practical use of this section of the Scriptures in their everyday lives.
Our kids travel through Wellington
Hello Everyone! I am 5 years old and attend school at the “Juweeltjies” in the Mosaic Centre in Blignaut Street, Wellington. Our school is part of “Ma's-vir-Wellington” community project and here they prepare me to be ready for Big School which I will be attending next year.
An angel amongst us
His name is Michael. He is a handsome little boy, well dressed with impeccable manners. Michael attracts my attention because he never participates in any of our activities. When I arrive at school early in the morning, he is usually already seated and waiting for the day to start.
School Backpack Project
We have 84 children going to grade R and grade 1 next year. To equip the children for their school career, we give each of them a school backpack with the basic stationary that they will require. Many of the children stay at home due to the fact that their parents cannot afford these basic school needs. We would like each and every child to successfully start and end their school career.
Stories make you smart!
We at Moms-for-Wellington believe that feeding our children’s brains is of utmost importance. Good stories are magical and assists the kids in developing their creativity. It is so uplifting when the community steps in and assists in this way.
Die vrywilligers is dankbaar vir die groot donasie splinternuwe kinder- en volwasse skoene. Die getuienisse wat hieruit spruit maak mens weer eens dankbaar vir alles wat ons ontvang.
Ons werk aan ‘n spesiale resepteboek uitgawe vanuit die hart van ons vrywilligers. Hierdie “Tannie-Mammas” sorg onvoorwaardelik vir enige kind wat oor hulle pad kom. Ons het so ‘n stukkie van hulle getuienisse en geheime kosresepte probeer vasvang.
ECD Registrasie
Buiten die groot groep kinders wat op Dinsdae en Donderdae na die kinderbediening kom, word daar nou ook op skoolgereedheid vir die 5jariges gefokus. Op ‘n Maandag, Woensdag en Vrydag word daar ‘n spesiale ECD program met hierdie 40 leerlinge gevolg.
KWARTAALPROJEK: Winterklereprojek
Kyk hoe helder ‘n grys, koue winter ‘n kind se lewe op. Dankie dat julle ons gehelp het om hierdie koue winter warm te maak vir ons kinders. Die Here het ons oorvloedig geseën met fondse en bydraes uit die gemeenskap. Ons is so dankbaar om die kinders te kan toerus met ‘n sweetpak, reënbaadjie, mussie, slaapsakkie en waterstewels.
This term we were able to start a social service focusing on the domestic circumstances of the children we serve. Four field workers have been appointed to visit our children's homes to determine any urgent needs, as well as report abuse.
At the Blossom-course, nine ladies were taught to make handbags. This is one of the places in Moms-for-Wellington where the ladies get an opportunity to play and relax, with sewing, chatting and lots of cups of tea.
Now, the greatest gift we could possibly give is time. Even though it may feel like we don't have much to offer, no matter how little it may seem to us, it can have a meaningful impact on the life of someone in need.